Sunday, July 26, 2009

Trying my hand at this blogging stuff

So here I am, joining the blogger world. I'm pretty much over myspace and facebook so maybe this might be my new home away from home. Today is Rachel's Bridal Shower that Sharon and I are hosting and wow...stress. Let me take the time right now to say to everyone out there, this is the LAST wedding I'm ever taking part in. It's not bad enough that I'm about 14 months pregnant, but it's also July in Florida, I'm worn out. Speaking of the pregnancy, mister Wyatt is growing and kicking and giving me lots of sleepless nights, but aside from being particularly miserable with lack of sleep, a foot in my rib cage, and about 0% energy levels, I'm loving this experience! (small hint of sarcasm). I think Adam and I are about ready for the arrival of Wyatt, and I'm pretty sure that Logan understands as much as he is going to about the upcoming new addition. I can't expect him to grasp the concept completely right now but I think once Wyatt is actually here then Logan is going to be an awesome Big Brother. And for some GREAT news! My sister got to bring her baby home from the hospital last week! After being in the NICU for a month everyone is so glad that Delilah is home where she needs to be! I haven't talked to my sister but just from the pictures I can tell she is the happiest mommy on the planet right now! And that makes me the happiest Aunt! I cant wait till I get to hold her for the first time! Well I'm off to make sure everything is in order for tonights Bridal Shower and maybe even take advantage of Adam being asleep and go dive into the oreo's and doughnuts! YUM!